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We're here to help you design the business you have always wanted. 

Tired of the overwhelm? Need to focus your time on growing your business? Want time for yourself, family, friends, hobbies? Let's get you back to being the rain making, business growing, visionary you're meant to be with strategic operations, streamlined systems, and a dash of RATIO magic. We're what your business needs to move you from overwhelmed to total peace of mind. 

Isn't it time you kicked that hustle habit? 
Learn more


At Ratio Solutions Group, our mission is simple yet powerful - to empower you to reach new heights of success without sacrificing your personal life, boundaries and sanity. We're passionate about helping you create a business that's efficient, profitable, and above all, a source of joy not unnecessary stress.

We strive to elevate our clients' potential through customized, innovative solutions that streamline processes, optimize performance, and foster sustainable success. Our dedication to transformative results and client empowerment drives every action we take.

We envision a world where every interior designer, architect, engineer, and contractor has the tools, support, and confidence to turn their business dreams into a reality. We want to make a difference by being the strategic partner you need to navigate the path to success with ease and grace. Whether you utilize our 1:1 services, templates, affiliate links / suggested resources, or our free content - we hope to inspire innovation, foster creativity, and empower you to build a business that supports the life you dream of. We're not just about optimizing your operations; we're about illuminating the potential within every project, every design, and every decision you make. Our goal is to ensure that your business journey is not just successful but also fulfilling. 

THE MISSION is to EMPOWER women-led AEC firms to achieve operational EXCELLENCE, STRATEGIC growth, and MAXIMIZED profitability.

Let our operations know how amplify your business.

Ratio Solutions Group was born out of a desire to revolutionize the way women-led design firms approach business. We're bringing a paradigm shift - from constant hustle to sustainable growth. Our goal is to help as many women as possible build their businesses around the challenges and life experiences unique to them. 

Together, we can redefine what it means to thrive in the AEC industry, turning challenges into opportunities and dreams into tangible achievements. 

Let's increase your profits, decrease your stress levels, and get you to a happier place!    


The TLDR bio:
From Architectural Apprentice (fancy title for an unpaid intern) to Principal Designer and founder of my own Interior Design Firm. I'm happy at work and happy at home - let's get you there too! 

Ratio Solutions Group was born out of a desire to revolutionize the way women-led design firms approach business. I created Ratio for all the women who have been told the same old nonsense - you can't do things that way, just do what you're told, you have to work or raise your babies you can't do both, women belong at home - blah, blah, blah. 

I quit my last 9 to 5 at 7 months pregnant with our second little boy and refused to look back. I quickly realized I needed to find smart ways to work and keep my business growing while also growing and raising tiny humans. I refused to settle - and you shouldn't settle either!! It's time for a paradigm shift - from constant hustle to sustainable growth. 

 Let's effectively and intentionally build your business to support the life you want to live. 

Catherine Shuman


Shaken iced brown sugar espresso, too many houseplants, gardening and learning to embroider.

FOUNDEr, President:

Not pictured: The complete and utter lovable tornado of chaos that are my sweet boys and their daddy. 

Pictured: One incredibly happy woman who feels balanced, healthy and loves her work. 

Competition in our industry - gross. Working too many hours. Overwhelm. Reinventing the wheel.  



Ready for a change?

Tired of drowning in business operations? Reinventing the wheel? Ready to expand into additional revenue streams? 

If you are open to doing business differently - there really is no limit as to what you can achieve, the people you can work with and the projects you can land. 

Greater peace, happiness, and profit awaits - and we are here to help you achieve it all. 

Let's dream up your ideal business!

We're all About:

Kindness, iced coffee no matter what season it is, community, and helping you supercharge your business and build a life you love.  

bandaid fixes,
bullsh*t, overworking, hustle culture or mysogyny.

Reading, gardening,
helping our clients level up, and spending time with our families. 

do our values match yours? Let's talk! →

We can't go without our morning coffee,
cuddling with our loved ones, journaling, and deciding what to learn next. 

We're not About:

You can find us:

daily Rituals:

Coffee just might be our love language ...

Imagine this: Your business running like a well-oiled machine, you're doing work you love each day, your profits are up, your to do list stays at the office, and you've got the whitespace in your calendar to still have a life. That's just a dream, right?

With streamlined operations, it's not just about running your business more efficiently – it's about reclaiming your time, your energy, and your sanity.

Streamlining your operations isn't just about crossing tasks off your never-ending to-do list or making sure you're wearing your I run my own business and must wear all the hats pants. No, darling, it's about so much more. It's about waking up to days that feel lighter, work that feels fulfilling, and evenings that aren't clouded by the shadow of unchecked tasks. 

We're here to turn the chaos of the now into peace of mind. With us, you're not just enhancing business efficiency; you're opening doors to weekends spent unwinding, not worrying. And to coffee breaks that are actual breaks, not just a change of scenery from your desk to the kitchen (with your phone glued to your hand checking emails).  

Let's redefine what it means to run a business. Together, we'll ensure that your energy is spent on passion projects, not just processes; your time invested in creativity, not just managing chaos. And your sanity? Non-negotiable. We safeguard that like the precious gem it is. 

So, are you ready to step into a world where your business thrives, and so do you? Let Ratio Solutions Group be your guide to a brighter, balanced, and beautifully efficient future.

But with Ratio Solutions Group, it's your new reality. 

Join the Balanced Business Owners Community!

Do you believe a great business is designed and built by balancing the personal and professional, and the work and the woo? Join like minded women in Architecture, Interior Design, Engineering, and Construction to discuss business, get recommendations for personal and business items, and access exclusive services and products.

Yes, Please!

Balancing Act: How to Juggle Business Growth and Personal Wellness

5 Game-Changing Tools Every Solopreneur Needs in Their Arsenal



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Streamlining Success: Transforming Your To-Do List into a Done List

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The Art of Delegation: Freeing Up Time to Focus on Your Passion

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Simplifying Your Business for Greater Clarity and Focus

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Harnessing Habits: Small Changes for Massive Business Impact

Discovering the Magic in the Mechanics of Business